Care instructions

Wood, as a raw material and the main component of our products, offers a wide range of design options and is characterized by individual features due to its naturalness. The grain of the wood also depends on the location, weather conditions, environmental influences and age. When used outdoors, wood is exposed to extreme loads.

Moisture, cold, heat, UV radiation, etc. can cause cracking and warping despite high-quality production and finishing processes. Due to these weather and environmental influences, resin exudation can occasionally occur, especially in softwoods.

This is a typical, characteristic property of wood that does not impair functionality and is therefore not a reason for complaint.

To ensure that our products withstand external conditions for as long as possible, you will find a few tried and tested care tips below:

  • Water: Always avoid standing water on the surfaces. If the furniture is not being used, it is advisable to tilt it. Should the furniture nevertheless become damp, briefly wipe the surfaces dry.
  • UV radiation / sunlight:
    Direct, intense sunlight should be avoided, as this can damage the wood and paintwork.
  • Leaves and pollen: As much as leaves and needles are associated with wood as a raw material, they can also damage the wood. Tannic acid and various other ingredients can attack and damage the wood surface. Therefore, remove leaves from furniture promptly.
  • Storage: We recommend storing our furniture in a dry, covered and sufficiently ventilated area. This reduces wood swelling, damage to the paintwork and possibly also mold growth in extremely damp conditions.
  • Aftercare: If furniture is used frequently, minor damage to the fittings will occur. In order to ensure a long service life, we recommend treating the furniture in good time in the event of wear or mechanical damage (scratches etc.). We are also happy to offer you paints to match your color tone on request.
  • Permanent use: The beer tent set is not suitable for outdoor use. The user is responsible for its use. It is recommended that damaged paintwork is repaired, otherwise the durability of the beer tent set will be shortened.

We are happy to answer any further questions you may have about the care of our products. Appropriate care instructions and products are available on request!